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Eco-Friendly Cleaning Equipment

Green, or eco friendly, cleaning equipment has come to the forefront in recent years and there are now lots of options available.
B&G supply a wide range of environmentally friendly cleaning machines. ECA logo

ECA Water Scheme

To encourage businesses to invest in technologies that save water, the ECA water scheme has been developed by HM Revenue and Customs in partnership with AEA Technology who manage the scheme on behalf of Defra.

See the Enhanced Capital Allowance scheme for Water Efficient Technologies leaflet here >>

The scheme allows 100% of the cost of qualifying eco-friendly cleaning equipment (i.e. on the water technology list) to claim for tax relief against a business’s profits for the year in which the purchase is made, unlike Capital Allowances which allow 25% a year on a reducing basis over about nine years. The ECA brings forward the time that tax relief is available for capital spending, providing a cash-flow boost.

See more information from the HMRC website >> or Visit the Water Technology List website >>

Machines marked with an * qualify for the Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) Water Scheme.

Electric Powered Cleaning Equipment

Energy-efficient electric powered machines are becoming increasingly popular as they are CO2 emission free in use.

See our selection of eco-friendly cleaning equipment below.

For more information about new developments in green cleaning equipment,  please give us a call or use our contact form

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