Cleaning Applications
The range of cleaning equipment available in the market today is mind boggling and can be a bit confusing. As industrial processes have advanced using new techniques and materials, so has cleaning equipment to match the evolution of standards in hygiene and cleanliness. When considering equipment for commercial cleaning applications, thought should be given to what it will be required to do and the standard of cleaning required. For instance, if the requirement is for a pressure washer, what duty should it be, should it be portable or static, hot or cold water, what accessories may be required for now or in the future? These are just a few questions, and similar ones can be asked when considering the purchase of a floor sweeper, a scrubber drier or any other piece of commercial cleaning equipment.
Commercial Cleaning – Standards
For some industries cleaning is hugely important and often subject to external standards such as legislation or industry standards. The food and healthcare sectors for instance have to be particularly focused on hygiene and sanitation for obvious reasons and the selection of cleaning equipment is more critical than other industries. There have been particular commercial cleaning applications developed to assist with the cleaning in these specialised areas. For example in the food industry a bespoke system can be designed particular to the premises and processes employed. This uses a central pump assembly which pumps water under pressure around the factory via a ring main. At points along the pipework there are outlets to which cleaning lances can be connected to enable the cleaning and sanitizing to be carried out.
Help with Commercial Cleaning Equipment
If there any queries on the topics discussed on this page or the attached information pages , or if you would like advice about the purchase or use of commercial cleaning equipment then contact B&G Cleaning.
Our experience of supplying and developing bespoke equipment for specific applications and the knowledge we have developed over 25 years means that whatever your cleaning equipment needs, we can help.